Piers Morgan Bets Oprah He'll Land Michael Vick Interview Before Her

 Newsman-turned-TV personality Piers Morgan has bet Oprah Winfrey he'll land the first indepth interview with convicted dog fighter Michael Vick before her. Winfrey was the first guest on the Brit's new CNN show "Piers Morgan Tonight", which aired on Monday, January 17, and during the pair's chat it became clear that both are after a big interview with the disgraced American footballer.

When Oprah refused to discuss what she would ask Vick if she landed him as one of her final Oprah Winfrey Show guests, Morgan offered her a wager.
He said, "One hundred British pounds says I get Vick before you." Winfrey offered, "Make it two." The two TV titans then shook hands on the bet.

And Morgan has already stepped up his bid to land the interview - he has written a message to Vick on Twitter.com pleading with the star to choose him over Winfrey and even offering Vick a cut of the winnings. He writes, "If Michael Vick is reading this, pls (please) say yes... Hey Mike Vick - how about it? I'll cut you in for $100."